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Wednesday, January 18, 2012


“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear”
-Martin Luther King, Jr.

                                                                                                        photo by- T.Kraft
Life, it is said, is like a chess game.

It is said…
she talks like she has
a martini in one hand
and a cigarette in the other;
she lives and moves in
her ambivalent house; she is
the calculated queen without weakness,
rendered slightly insignificant, a
static image dancing around the
checkered board, a shuffled
unbalanced triangular waltz
is what she presents with the
wisp of a dull ache
in her stomach.
She conceals the truth
for the reign of her pawn’s pledge.

It is said… with
the slight correction of
the fine line of a rifle, precisely
crossing into the right sight;
it is the king’s face-off.
It is the combination of energy,
the scratch of time across his face,
the combining of life’s castles
forced into one completed step,
the cross-hairs of configurations
that are hidden in the missing move.
He is pinning another, conforming
to the rules of the game, and still
unable to check mate in
a stale mate that nobody will win.

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